Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Twenty One Weeks

I'm over the hump. 21 weeks means that more of this pregnancy is behind me than ahead of me. It's exciting and scary-as-all-get-out simultaneously. We are starting the process of crib shopping and getting the nursery ready, and since Will is ready for this step anyway, we decided now would be a grand time to move him from his crib to an official big boy bed. His crib is a lifetime crib, so it conveniently converts to a full sized bed. Babies R Us informed me that the railings are ready to be picked up, so this weekend, my BABY will no longer be sleeping in a crib. Or in the room right next to ours. Can I get a moment of silence, please?? The thought of this invokes so much emotion and panic in me, that I can't even describe it. I mean, he's going to be 5 more steps away from where he usually is, and in a bed that could swallow him whole! Every time I think about it, I want to cry. And I start sweating. And my throat closes up a bit. I hope the transition is easier for him than it is for me. I may end up camping outside his bedroom on a little palette that first night. I'll keep you updated as to how far the crazy takes me on this one.

As far as my other baby goes, she is the length of a carrot this week according to the pregnancy folks. I can tell she's getting bigger and bigger, because there are times she kicks me in the bladder so hard, it's a struggle to keep a little pee from seeping out. (Disclaimer: If you came to this blog to read a filtered and censored depiction of my pregnancy, I suggest you get out of here before I actually make it to labor and delivery, because at this point any and all modesty I once possessed is pretty much out the window. Thank you for your time.)

And here's the email for week 21.

How Your Baby is Growing:
Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long — the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.

And just for kicks, here is a 21 week belly pic. I still don't fall into that "definitely pregnant" category. Just the other day at the gym, after going 30 minutes on the elliptical, this workout-crazy 7oish year old man who always goes about an hour on the machine (not even exaggerating), challenges me as I'm stepping off, "You're not giving up already are you? I've still got 10 minutes to go!" I wanted to respond with, "Well, my uterus is the size of a cantaloupe at this point, so I think, considering the circumstances, I'm doing pretty good, thankyouverymuch." Instead, I took a deep breath and said, "Well, I'm about 5 & 1/2 months pregnant, so 30 minutes is about as much as I can handle right now." Everyone on the machines, collectively turned their heads and said things like, "REALLY?" and "I would have never guessed" at the same time. One of these days, I'll start looking pregnant. I'm waiting patiently...


1 comment:

  1. See! It's not just me saying that you still barely look pregnant. I can't believe it's 21 weeks already. She's gonna be here before you know it. Time is flying!
