First is the cutest little change purse ever. It's called the Kisslock coin purse, and I want it. It's simple, fun, and I love the colors. Forget the fact that I never have any actual change because Will takes it all to put in his piggy bank. I'll find something else to put in there. Like Xanax! I kid. (Unless you have some and then I'm totally not kidding.) Just kidding!.... Or am I?

And check out this Recycled Picnic/Market Basket. It looks like it will hold a ton of stuff, which is right up my ally. Something happens when you have children. You go from being able to carry those cute little purses to needing full sized luggage every where you go. I could get so many uses out of this basket. You could take it shopping, to the beach, or on a nice, little picnic. That is, if you are brave enough to eat outside in the 100 degree JUNE weather. (I'm not bitter or anything.)

When I saw these Florist Measuring Cups from Anthropologie, I immediately thought about my step mom. They look like something that she would have sitting in her kitchen. They are beautiful, playful, and practical at the same time. Love them!

Everything in the Etsy shop of 3dots is fabulous, but I was especially impressed with this Peacock tail 2 necklace she has listed. Loving the wood in this piece. It's the perfect size, and is cute and whimsical. Would be so adorable to compliment a simple outfit.

Did you know that one of my most favorite flowers is the hydrangea? I adore them. I also really love the idea of wallpaper, but don't like the commitment that it demands. If you've ever stripped wallpaper, you know what a pain it is. I've always been reluctant to put it up for that reason. Well, hold onto your seats, because today I discovered....are you ready for it?... removable wallpaper! What a concept! Not only did I discover that it exists, but look at this fun Hydrangea print removable wallpaper that I came across on Real Shopping. Lu-hu-huv it! Rob would never in a million years go for it, but now that we've got a girl, I have a better excuse to slap up something like this in her room. I'm sneaky like that.

A couple more days till the weekend. I'm holding on for dear life.
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